This site will allow you to:
Create your traveler profile and preferences
Access Travel Leaders' contact information and hours of operation
Fill out your traveler profile on the Concur Travel site (
"Please ensure that you use the same email address that you submit with your traveler profile and your TripCase profile")
Make reservations online via the Concur travel website
- Submit your T&E expense online
- Access a
irline check-in online
Get the latest on travel and security alerts and weather
View the Sekisui preferred vendors
Take a Concur tutorial
View Sekisui's travel policy
Access currency, unit and time converters
Travel Leaders Transaction Fees:
$22 - Agent booking for any combination of airline / rail / car / hotel at initial time of booking
$5 - Online Concur Travel booking for any combination of airline / rail / car / hotel at initial time of booking
$10 - Agent Hotel and / or Car only reservation
$5 - Sedan Car Service booking per one way
$22 - Agent Exchanges (plus any additional fare increase and airline fees)
$20 - Emergency After-Hours Service (plus any additional new reservation transaction fee)
Sekisui Diagnostics U.S. & Canada Travel Desk
Travel Leaders
Hours of operation 8:30am - 6:00pm EST M - F
Telephone: (800) 487-6110 / 508-879-6110
Your Dedicated Travel Leaders Team:
Michael Byrne Ext.113
Sarah Nicol Ext 112
Erin Egan Ext.111
Emergency After Hours
Phone: (833) 387- 4884 Calling Code ID#: T8W3
**Additional fees may apply**
Online Support
For questions related to technical issues including traveler profiles and email verification, please contact Concur Online Support at 1-877-812-5060 M-F 8am to 7pm EST
For questions on Concur travel booking reservations and support, please contact Travel Leaders at 508-879-6110 M-F 7:30am to 6:00 pm
Sekisui Travel Program
Please contact the following with any questions:
Matt Billings (781) 652-7803
Sheila MacDougall (902) 628-0901
**NOTE: The majority of links on this portal page will take you to external websites that may require a secure User Name and Password.